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 Perestroika and the Party : national and transnational perspectives on European communist parties in the era of Soviet reform
2019Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1Di Palma, Francesco Utgivare, redaktör, sammanställare
 Soviet Union, the revolution goes on : (on perestroika, glasnost, democratisation) : articles, interviews, exchange of opinion, impressions
1988Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1Subbotin, Aleksandr Sergeevic Yastrzhembskiy, Sergei, 1953-
 The party of the revolution is the party of the perestroika : speech at a meeting with party veterans, participants in the revolutionary events, front-rank workers and activists of the Leningrad party organization: Leningrad, October 13, 1987
Gorbacev, Michail Sergeevic, 1931-
1987Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 The success of perestroika is in the hands of the people : speech at a meeting with senior Uzbek officials in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Uzbekistan
Gorbacev, Michail Sergeevic, 1931-
1988Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Using the potential of cooperatives for furthering Perestroika Speech by GeneralSecretary of the CPSU Central Committee Mikhail Gorbaches at the 4th All-Union Congree of Collective Farmers March 23, 1988
Gorbacev, Michail Sergeevic, 1931-
1988Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Gorbatschow : Versuch über den Zusammenhang seiner Gedanken
Haug, Wolfgang Fritz, 1936-
1989Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
Hejzlar, Zdenek, 1921-1993
1987Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 The new Russia
Gorbacev, Michail Sergeevic, 1931-
2016Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 To deepen restructuring by practical deeds : meeting at the CPSU Central Committee with leading representatives of the mass media and unions of cultural and art workers, July 14, 1987
Gorbacev, Michail Sergeevic, 1931-
1987Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1