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 Inclusion in the constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the Conference to expel or suspend from membership any member which has been expelled or suspended from membership of the United Nations : report XI, 11th item on the agenda
Br 3019
1964Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Inclusion in the constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the conference to suspend from participation in the international labour conference any member which has been found by the United Nations to be flagrantly and persistently pursuing by its legislation a declared policy of racial discrimination such as "apartheid" : International labour conference, 48th session, report XII, 12th item on the agenda
Br 3018
1964Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Memorandum on the 29th session of the International labour conference : (Montreal 19 Sept. 1946)
Br 3064
1946Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Privileges and immunities of the International labour organisation : report XII, 12th item on the agenda
Br 3075
1948Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Recent publications of the International Labour Office dec. 1943
Br 3146
1943Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Resolutions adopted by the 27th session of the International labour conference : (Paris, Oct.-Nov. 1945)
Br 3154
1946Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Substitution for article 35 of the constitution of the International labour organisation of the proposals referred to the Conference by the Governing Body at its 157th session : report IX, 9th item on the agenda
Br 3017
1964Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 The admission of Germany and Austria to the International Labour Organisation
Br 3059
1920Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 The ILO at work : recent activities of the International labour organisation
Br 3156
1947Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 The industrial committees of the International Labour Organisation
Br 3114
1945Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1