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 Human rights, development and decolonization : the International Labour Organization, 1940-70
Maul, Daniel
2012Bok eller småtryck 0 av 1
 Inclusion in the constitution of the International Labour Organisation of a provision empowering the conference to suspend from participation in the international labour conference any member which has been found by the United Nations to be flagrantly and persistently pursuing by its legislation a declared policy of racial discrimination such as "apartheid" : International labour conference, 48th session, report XII, 12th item on the agenda
Br 3018
1964Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Internationella arbetsorganisationen
1317 / 38411
1938Bok eller småtryck 2 av 2
 L'Organisation internationale du travail : constitution, activité, résultats
Br 24465
1926Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 L'Organisation internationale du travail et le travail des femmes
Br 24467
1930Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Moderna principer för social lagstiftning : en redogörelse för Internationella arbetsbyråns verksamhet
Backlund, Sven, 1889-1953
1788 / 27843 / 27862 / REF 2:2:G
1927Bok eller småtryck 4 av 4Thorberg, Arvid, 1877-1930 Författare till förord
 Privileges and immunities of the International labour organisation : report XII, 12th item on the agenda
Br 3075
1948Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Proposed convention concerning the partial revision of the conventions adopted by the general conference of the International labour organisation at its first 32 sessions for the purpose of standardising the provisions regarding the preparation of reports by the governing body of the International labour office on the working of conventions : report IX, 9th item on the agenda
Br 3080
1960Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Provisional list of delegates : International labour conference 26th session
Br 3155
1944Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1
 Report 1 Report of the Director-General
1970Bok eller småtryck 1 av 1